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- Data Centres
IC3 | Construction Progress | 43MW | Sydney North Zone
August 14 2020 | Type: Webinars & videosA sneak peak into the construction of IC3. Sydney North Zone | 43MW | Ready for Service Dec 2020
- Data Centres
Webinar & Panel Discussion: How have sustainability requirements changed where and how we build data centers?
July 20 2020 | Type: Webinars and videosThe global climate emergency may have taken a back seat in recent months, but it remains the biggest challenge to face the industry and humanity as a whole. Sustainability in the data centre industry goes beyond just sourcing renewable power, it star...
- Data Centres
Webinar & Panel Discussion: How can rapidly increasing demand be met in a resource-efficient way?
July 9 2020 | Type: Webinars and videosIn the face of exponentially growing data volumes and traffic, operators are tasked with accommodating the demand whilst reducing their overall carbon footprint. To do so, principles of efficiency must be applied across the board to technologies, pra...
- Data Centres
Hyperscale & Microscale - Whitepaper
July 1 2020 | Type: WhitepapersHyperscale cloud platforms continue relentless expansion of their physical data centre footprint, now turning increasingly to emerging markets like Indonesia and South Korea. Download this whitepaper which explores: Why hyperscale platforms continue ...
- Data Centres
Macquarie Data Centres SOC 2 - Infographic
July 1 2020 | Type: InfographicsThe SOC 2 audit is an audit of a service organisation’s non-financial reporting controls as they relate to the Trust Services Criteria.
- Data Centres
IC3 Tech Specs - Brochure
June 30 2020 | Type: DatasheetsIC3 partners efficient use of space, scalability and most importantly security into a well-architected facility. Built in 2 phases, the exciting development will take our total capacity at Macquarie Park to 43MW.